Sunday, September 28, 2008


During my undesired and indefinite absence from blogging, my dear blogging friends went out of their way and passed on a few awards, and I am basking in the welcome glory. This post, which is long overdue, is dedicated to acknowledging them.

Kitchen Flavours passed the Wylde Woman Award to me here. The rules of this award are:

1.You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blog site Tammy can go visit all these wonderful men and women and remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to men and women, who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy. It's been a blessing and an inspiration to meet all of you through your wonderful blogs.

Srilekha of Me and My Kitchen also passed the Wylde Woman Award to me here. I would love to pass this to every single food blog I have visited even once, because each and every blog has helped me learn new things, and also brightens up my day with the food photographs:D. It truly is a blessing to be able to meet and make new friends every day through their wonderful blogs.

Dershana of The Footloose Chef has passed me the Blogging Friends Forever award. Indranee of Mistress of Spices also passed the Blogging Friends Forever award.

Rules of this award:

1) Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award, 2) 4 of them followers of your blog, 3) One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world, and 4) You must link back to who ever gave you the award.

I would like to pass this on to: Adam, Easy Crafts, Priyanka, Valarmathi, and Anjali, who lives in Michigan.

EasyCrafts of Simple Indian Food tagged me. The rules for the tag are:
(a) List these rules on your blog.
(b) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
(c) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Here are the 7 facts (I am being very honest):

  1. I am short-tempered, and get angry for very silly things
  2. I am very picky and choosy about certain things, for instance, putting things back where they were taken from, cleaning up
  3. I hate being late for meetings, parties, appointments, movies
  4. I can never say NO to someone, if anyone asks for things, even if I may need it at the time, and if I ever do say NO, I start feeling guilty about it, and tend to apologize for no reason
  5. I usually pass the blame on situations or people when things go wrong, and can easily find excuses to shun responsibility
  6. I am obsessed about being perfect, doing things perfectly, and therefore, never happy with the way I do things or the way I am
  7. From all of the above, you can easily guess, that I have very few close friends!

I am tagging: Priti, Purva, Sripriya, Kitchen Flavours, Sowmya, Usha and Divya

EC also passed me the Brilliante Weblog award. I have received this before. I would love to pass this award to:

Dee, Dershana, Sunshinemom, and Sangeeth
Sireesha of Mom's Recipes passed the Good Job award. Vibaas of Delectable Vegetarian Recipes also passed the Good Job award to me.

I would love to pass this to:Deesha, Cham, Sujatha, Madhavi

Priti of Indian Khana wished me a speedy recovery and passed the Perfect Blend of Friendship Award. I would like to pass this on to:

Priti, Vaishali, Nags, Suma, and Sireesha


  1. when i was reading your random facts, I thought i was reading my own .. except for the 3rd point, I am exactly like you in each one of those .. Thank God I found someone like me :)

  2. Congrates on ur awards.. thxs for tagging me.. thxs

  3. thanks so much for thinking abt me shreya :)

  4. congrats for all the welld eserved awards,..nd thanks for passin one to me too,..i will cherish the frenship award forever,..,..ceeya hppy weekend,..

  5. Thank u for tagging me. Congrats on the awrds.

  6. congrated on all ur deserved awards..thanks a lots 4 passing it on me..really u r close nd a adorable friend.. :)

  7. Congrats on ur awards and thanks to pass it to me :)

  8. Congrats on ur all well deserved awards....Thanks a ton for the award to me dear:)I will cherish the friendship award forever.....

  9. Nice reading you tag...the NO thing is same for me too...:(...Congrats on all your awards and thanks for sharing with me :)...I hope it's long way to go for our friendship ..)..And I have done the tag recently yaar ;)

  10. Congratulations on all your awards

  11. Thanks for the award BFF! I think it looks awesome, my global friend :)

  12. Thanks for tagging me, will try to do it soon.
    Congrats on your awards!

  13. congrats on all your awards.. And thanks for thinking about me to pass the award :) Thats so nice of you..

  14. Congrats on your awards Shreya!

  15. Congrats on your awards and thanks for passing it to me.

  16. Congratulations on all of your well deserved awards...enjoyed reading your tag......thanks for tagging me.....will try and do mine soon :)

  17. Congrats for receiving all the awards and it was nice reading ur MEME.....
    Thanks for passing me the same.
    You can catch my meme on below mentioned link

  18. Shreya, Congratulations on all the awards! And thanks very much dear for thinking of me for the one celebrating friendship. It's wonderful of you, and I truly value it.


Hi, I would love to get feedback and suggestions on the recipes and the blog in general. Thanks.