Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Apologies and Acknowledgements

Despite my promises after my previous break from blogging, I have been away from blogging for over a month now. I think I stretched my vacation-like mode a little too far, with the result that, though I skimmed through the blog list and my reader, I rarely visited any blogs or posted on mine.

Reasons are aplenty. But primarily, after getting back from Singapore, I was caught with applying for admissions to schools for A and attending interviews (yes! they interview the parents and the 3 yr old child too :-( ) for a couple of schools, trying to get a real work at home option to work out (it didn't :-( ), getting some kind of support system in place for A in order that I get more time on my hands for my own stuff (work/hobbies, that too didn't work out :-( ), coming to terms with the stark reality of the attacks in Mumbai and the resulting fear, and so on...

Without wanting to risk sounding like our current politicians, let me not apologise profusely this time. Instead, let me acknowledge the long-time-pending-to-be-collected awards passed on to me by some dear blogger friends. First, Thank You so much dear friends:-).

Lakshmi Venkatesh of Kitchen Chronicles passed me the Butterfly Award.

Indranee of Mistress of Spices also passed the Butterfly Award to me.

The rules of the award are:
Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Nominate 10 other blogs. Add links to those blogs on yours, and leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

I would love to pass this award to

Adam, Anudivya, Cham, Divya,
Mahimaa, Priti, Purva, Sireesha, Sowmya, and Vaishali.

Arundhuti of Gourmet Affair passed the Good Job and Inspiration Awards

She also passed A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award

This award was also passed on by Andhra Flavours of For Spicy Lovers

I would like to pass the three awards to: Sia, Sra, Srivalli, Ramya, and Usha.

P.S. I have so many pictures (yes, I did click pictures!) waiting for a post by now that I need not worry about having to cook just for blogging until New Year at least, with the exception of any special blog events this month. Hope you will visit this space soon for the recipes:-)


  1. welcome back,..will be waITIN FOR UR POSTS,..:-)....ND CONGRATS FOR ALL THE AWARDS,..

  2. Welcome back dear, I can make out how badly tied up you were and I know how difficult are school admissions these days in Mumbai...

    Congrats for the awards and thanks for sharing it with me....

  3. Thanks so much Shreya! Congrats on all your awards too.
    Will be looking forward to all the posts from you.

  4. its ok shreya..sometimes you do get so busy with other things in life when blogging does not remain on the top priorities..
    Congrats on the awards..thanks a billion for mine..
    Will be waiting for your posts..

  5. Hi Shreya, first time to your blog. Nice recipes. Waiting for your post.

  6. Welcome Back.. will be waiting for ur posts dear... congrats on ur awards..

  7. When we re overboard with many stuffs, blogging get low priority. Hope everything settle down. Congrats and thanks to share with me!

  8. good to see u after a break. Can't wait to see your recipes and pics :)and thanks a lot for the award dear.

  9. Welcome back...congrats on all your awards and thanks so much for thinking of me...looking forward to your recipes and posts :-)

  10. Shreya, So happy to see you're back-- I missed you! Thanks very much for thinking of me for the award- it means a lot.

  11. Thanks for the award Shreya! I appreciate it, and I've had quite the blog hiatus also. Sometimes life just gets busy, right?

    They interview parents? Well good luck, I hope A gets in :)

  12. Hi Shreya,

    First time to your blog. Congrats for all ur awards. You have anice place here. Looking forward for ur posts.

  13. Shreya, congrats on your awards and thanks for passing on some of those to me. It means a lot.

  14. Good to hear from you and glad to know you are fine. I was getting worried!

    Congrats on all your awards

  15. Hey
    You have been awarded a blogger award

    Please collect it from my blog



Hi, I would love to get feedback and suggestions on the recipes and the blog in general. Thanks.