Even today's picture has been taken from my mobile camera, so the quality might not be that great. I baked this cake yesterday, but hey, it is Valentine's Day, so here's wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's day.

Recipe is adapted from Sunita's blog, and what caught my eye was the name - nutty chocolate cake. My daughter will not have any other cake than chocolate, and some grounded nuts sounded great, since she doesn't eat whole nuts either. I followed the recipe except for the sugar, I just powdered normal sugar.

Recipe is adapted from Sunita's blog, and what caught my eye was the name - nutty chocolate cake. My daughter will not have any other cake than chocolate, and some grounded nuts sounded great, since she doesn't eat whole nuts either. I followed the recipe except for the sugar, I just powdered normal sugar.
Of course, the batter was more, so I also had enough to bake a small 6" round cake from it.

The colour of the cake is a mystery to me. I have noticed that every time I use Hershey's cocoa instead of the Cadbury's cocoa powder, the colour is extremely light after baking. Has anyone had the same experience?
I just served the cake with some Hershey's chocolate syrup. I do not have pictures of the slices.